Saturday, March 2, 2013

...That moment when you lose faith in your hair

I recently had an encounter that sort of tore through my heart. 

I had my hair in the style above... except that the front was not in a twist out. It was in a hump like the ones in the back. I thought it looked pretty good and was feeling quite good about it.

I wore this style to work and went out after work. I was in the company of a male friend who had not had a hair cut in a while and was looking a bit shabby at the end of the work day. So someone commented on his hair and said "When are you gonna get a hair cut? Your hair is looking kind of shabby. Is that how you wore your hair to work?" 

His response was "Well I am gonna get a hair cut this week, but what's wrong with my hair? It was combed this morning when I went to work. Look at HER hair though. And that's how SHE went to work"

HER was me! Now normally a comment like that would not bother me. But it did because when I saw this person earlier on, they commented on my hair and said they liked it. And now that someone said something negative about their appearance, I get thrown under the bus.

That comment probably cut through me more than it should have. But in that moment, it made me lose faith in my hair and for a split second, I wished my hair was different. I wished it was silky straight, no frizz, long and bouncy. It made me wish for weave. For something that is not me. It made me question myself and lost faith in not only my hair, but in myself. 

Then I snapped out of it when I took a look of myself in the mirror. I looked into the mirror expecting to see the defeated woman that I had just imagined myself to be. Instead I saw a woman who had a crown to be so proud of. I saw a woman who wakes up every day and decides to go against mainstream. I saw a woman who believes in her naturality and praises the blessings bestowed upon her from above. The ability to love yourself in all of your naturalness is the greatest blessing of all time.

I am posting this because I know that every now and then, we all face that moment, that comment, that picture, that look, that raised eyebrow that makes you second guess yourself. That makes you doubt yourself. That makes you feel defeated. But what makes us the graceful, beautiful and wonderful women that we are/aim to be, is the strength we take from difficult moments. We use it as a stepping stone to become stronger and mightier in our faith. This person's comment was not was not the reason I was hurt. It was the fact that I allowed someone's opinion to make me second guess myself, that's what hurt the most.


Love Your Hair ladies!!


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